It’s the future of education today! Already the rage on college campuses, Apple’s hit tablet computer the iPad is now filtering down the ranks to high schools and even elementary schools. For example, take a look at the Webb School, a private school in Knoxville, Tennessee. All students between grades 4 and 12 at the Webb School in Knoxville, Tennessee, will be required to buy or lease iPads.
Webb School hopes that they will eventually be able to replace all their text books with iPad-based learning solutions. If students cannot afford to buy the tablet computer, whose lowest-end model is $500, they can lease one from the school for $200 per year. The switch from books to iPad is a student health issue, according to Webb School’s technology director, Jim Manikas. Health and space in backpacks, that is.
Says Manikas, “We have some students carrying 50 to 60 pounds of books and the iPad weighs just a pound and a half.”
Tags: Webb School, Knoxville, Tennessee, school requires iPads among students, mandatory iPad usage, Jim Manikas, school requires iPads for all students, school to lease iPads to students, school requires iPads, Apple, Apple iPad, iPad, private school, education, technology in education, ipad in education, schools and technology, ipad use in schools