Spider-Man has gone from a teenage superhero to one of the most popular and iconic characters in comic book history. He’s literally gone from nothing to the centerpiece of Marvel, thanks to his iconic mask and costume and crime-fighting prowess. The debut of Spider-Man in Amazing Fantasy #15 was one of the book’s highest sellers and it kick-started the career of Marvel’s most famous superhero. Spider-Man’s debut issue, Amazing Fantasy #15, was sold at auction for $1.1 million.
“The fact that a 1962 comic has sold for $1.1 million is a bit of a record-shattering event,” said ComicConnect.com chief executive Stephen Fishler. “That something that recent can sell for that much and be that valuable is awe-inspiring. Over the last decade it has become a rather legendary copy because it was in the hands of a collector and no one thought he would sell. The owner came up with a figure that he didn’t think anyone would pay, and it was paid.”
The highest comic book auction on record is for the debut of Superman, Action Comics #1. So-called Golden Age comics (from the 30’s to the 50’s) are generally more valuable than Silver Age comics (from the 50’s through 70’s).
Tags: Spider-Man, comic book auction, Spider-Man’s first appearance sells for [tags]Spider-Man, comic book auction, Spider-Man’s first appearance sells for $1.1 million at auction, Amazing Fantasy 15, Spider-Man debut comic sells for $1.1 million, comic book auctions for $1.1 million, ComicConnect.com, Stephen Fishler, Amazing Fantasy 15 sells for $1.1 million, unusual comic book auctions, unusual auctions, comic books[/tags] [tags]Spider-Man, comic book auction, Spider-Man’s first appearance sells for $1.1 million at auction, Amazing Fantasy 15, Spider-Man debut comic sells for $1.1 million, comic book auctions for $1.1 million, ComicConnect.com, Stephen Fishler, Amazing Fantasy 15 sells for $1.1 million, unusual comic book auctions, unusual auctions, comic books[/tags] [tags]Spider-Man, comic book auction, Spider-Man’s first appearance sells for $1.1 million at auction, Amazing Fantasy 15, Spider-Man debut comic sells for $1.1 million, comic book auctions for $1.1 million, ComicConnect.com, Stephen Fishler, Amazing Fantasy 15 sells for $1.1 million, unusual comic book auctions, unusual auctions, comic books[/tags] [tags]Spider-Man, comic book auction, Spider-Man’s first appearance sells for $1.1 million at auction, Amazing Fantasy 15, Spider-Man debut comic sells for $1.1 million, comic book auctions for $1.1 million, ComicConnect.com, Stephen Fishler, Amazing Fantasy 15 sells for $1.1 million, unusual comic book auctions, unusual auctions, comic books[/tags]