Worried Prairie Dog is worried.
Little-known fact time: the Dramatic Chipmunk, one of the most popular animals on the Internet, isn’t actually a chipmunk. Dramatic Chipmunk is actually a dramatic prairie dog. Perhaps the drama of the prairie dog is rubbing off on the other prairie dogs, as photographer Rob Palmer captured a great image of a worried-looking prairie dog in Colorado. Why’s the prairie dog worried? I have no idea, but I imagine it’s with good reason. Perhaps the antics of the Montana Road Marmot have finally gotten to it?
Nobody’s sure why Worried Prairie Dog is worried, but I imagine it has a good reason to show such fear and trepidation. Or, you know, maybe it’s just eating something and was captured in mid-snack with its hand to its face. Either way. I think we can all agree that Worried Prairie Dog and Dramatic Chipmunk are two of the funniest animals online, and it’s just a shame no one’s been able to make a video of Worried Prairie Dog to drive it to viral video supremacy.
Tags: unusual images, unusual animals, worried prairie dog, dramatic chipmunk, worried prairie dog is the new dramatic chipmunk, memes, animal memes, unusual animal pictures, funny pictures, prairie dog worried, Rob Palmer, Colorado, chipmunk