A fisherman named Enrique Lucero León caught a pregnant dusky shark near Cerralvo Island in Mexico. When he dragged the fish on board, he noticed something strange after cutting it open. There were nine normal shark fetuses inside, and one… oddity. Inside its womb was one of the rarest finds in all of the sea: Enrique Leon captured a one-eyed shark.
Yeesh, what a horrifying-looking thing. There have been some ugly fish on PopFi over the years, from the transparent-headed barreleyes to the endangered blobfish, but this is pretty horrible. It’s also rare to get a good specimen of shark that’s suffering from cyclopia, which sounds like exactly what it is.
Cyclopian sharks have been found before, but there has never been one found in the wild. They are only found in the womb, which suggests that, for whatever reason, they don’t thrive in open water. Maybe having one giant eye is a disadvantage to survival? No matter the reason for its rarity, I think we can all agree that it’s about the ugliest thing on the planet.
Tags: cyclops shark, rare animals, rare fish, one-eyed shark, shark with one big eye, cyclops shark caught, cyclopia, Enrique Lucero León, dusky shark, Cerralvo Island, Mexico, ugly animals, ugly fish, mutant shark, nightmare fuel