Colin Farrell shoots some guys in Total Recall.
Let the summer blockbuster season begin! The first of the summer’s big sci-fi movies to get a trailer (that’s not Men In Black 3), Underworld director Len Wiseman takes on one of his toughest challenges yet. He’s the man replacing Paul Verhoeven in the director’s chair for the big-budget CGI remake of the guilty pleasure sci-fi classic Total Recall. It features Colin Farrell taking over for Arnold Schwarzenegger as Douglas Quaid, with supporting turns by Bryan Cranston, Kate Beckinsale, and Jessica Biel, among others. Here are five things E! learned from the Total Recall trailer, but before you read that, take a look at the action below!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vO8cAHnVbYSo, here’s what I don’t understand. Total Recall the original won an Academy Award for special effects, so why are you redoing it? I’m sure there were elements lost from Philip K. Dick’s original story (there always are, even in Blade Runner), but this looks like exactly the same stuff that happens in the Arnold version. (More importantly, will Arnold cameo?) Is there a whole point to this, or is this just a cash-grab remake of a not-that-old story?
Total Recall will be released on August 3.
Tags: colin farrell, movies, remakes, hollywood, philip k. dick, total recall, arnold schwarzenegger, kate beckinsale, len wiseman, Bryan Cranston, Jessica Biel, sci-fi movies, action sci-fi, hollywood, trailers, total recall remake, total recall remake trailer, total recall trailer, upcoming movies