Nike's NFL Uniforms: traditional meets space-age.
It was going to happen eventually, but it’s not quite as strange as I expected. Nike has been champing at the bit to get their hands on the lucrative NFL uniform market, and now they finally have. Nike has unveiled their newly-redesigned line of NFL uniforms. While not every team is the same, most of the traditional teams look familiar and their uniforms haven’t changed much. The few radical uniform changes, like Seattle’s new uniform, are actually improvements over the old designs. That’s part of Nike’s plan for the NFL; they aren’t going to mess with what works.
”I like the fact that there are teams that are pretty much staying more in line with where they’ve been and there’s other teams that are starting to push a little bit more,” said Nike CEO and President Mark Parker. ”We see that happen at the college level perhaps even more aggressively, but I think you’ll see the NFL evolving and Nike being an exciting partner in actually helping make that happen.”
I have to admit, while I normally fear Nike designs (due to what they’ve done with/to Oregon), it’s a lot better than it could have been. (See also Under Armour’s Maryland state flag uniform design.) I like the new shoes that match team colors, and I have to admit I really like the team logo gloves. Putting your hands together to make a Seahawk or Viking? That’s pretty cool.
Tags: football, sports, professional football, nfl football, national football league, nike, nike’s nfl uniform, nike nfl uniforms, nike designs nfl uniforms, new nike nfl uniforms, new nfl uniforms, mark parker, seattle seahawks, new seahawks uniform, uniform redesigns, nfl uniform redesigns, nike nfl jerseys