When Don’t Ask Don’t Tell got repealed, things immediately changed for gay military personnel, but I doubt even they expected it to change that much. For the first time ever, military personnel have been given permission to service members to march in a gay pride parade in uniform. The unusual change in government policy comes shortly after the Pentagon joined the rest of the government to celebrate gay pride month in June.
“San Diego Pride is honored to have the privilege of celebrating our country and our service members with dignity and respect,” said San Diego Pride Executive Director Dwayne Crenshaw. “The fight for equality is not over, and it is not easy, but this is a giant leap in the right direction.”
Generally, military personnel are not allowed to wear their uniforms during parades unless given approval by their commanding officers. However, that permission will be granted carte blanche for soldiers who may be marching in the San Diego gay pride parade only, not parades in general, and they still have to adhere to official behavior statutes concerning behavior in uniform (so no Ricky Martin shenanigans. In other parades, it will be up to the military change of command. The San Diego pride parade is near Camp Pendleton, one of the largest military bases on US soil.
Tags: camp pendleton, san diego, california, gay pride, gay pride parade, troops in uniform now allowed to march in gay pride parades, troops allowed to march in gay pride parade, gays in the military, don’t ask don’t tell, defense department, dewayne crenshaw