This dead shark hit a New England beach over Labor Day weekend.
One of the big traditions of Labor Day weekend is to squeeze in one last trip to the beach, and at South Shore Beach in Westport, Massachusetts, there were many beachgoers hanging out, enjoying the sun, and being frightened by great white sharks, despite the fact that the great white shark was a dead one. A 13-foot-long, 1600-pound great white shark corpse washed up on a Massachusetts beach early Saturday morning.
“It made your adrenaline go because he’s stone dead, but my god, it has Jaws written all over it,” said fisherman Gary Severa, 65, who discovered the shark. “It was pretty scary standing next to that thing.”
The shark, which was not tagged or marked in any way, did not show any signs of distress despite being dead. Despite this, the beach was closed to swimmers while authorities investigate the cause of death of the shark. Wildlife officials are planning on examining the shark’s stomach contents to see if they can discover a cause of death. Later that morning, a school of great white sharks was spotted near Nauset Beach on Cape Cod, causing officials there to close that beach.
Tags: 1600 pound great white shark washes up on Massachusetts beach, Westport, Massachusetts, South Shore Beach, dead great white shark washes up on the beach, giant great white shark washes up on the beach, unusual animals, dead shark, dead shark on south shore beach, gary severa, 13-foot dead shark