Premier Pauline Marois was rushed off the stage after a shooting.
For the first time in its history, the government of the Province of Quebec in Canada has woman in charge. As Canada’s only majority French-speaking province, Quebec has often tried to extract itself from the rest of Canada and has been the scene of violent struggles between pro- and anti-Canadian forces for decades. With a narrow one percentage point victory, the separatist Parti Quebecois has taken over the government of Quebec, which has the pro-Canada folks agitated. At a victory rally for PQ, one was killed and two were injured during new premier Pauline Marois’ victory speech.
The suspected shooter is a heavyset man in his 50’s who snuck into the Metropolis night club where the victory celebration was taking place. At the time of his arrest, he was wearing eyeglasses, a balaclava, a bathrobe, and shorts. Hence, the English are waking up, I guess. As the subject was dragged away by police, he said, “The English are waking up, the English are waking up … It’s payback … Yeah, yeah, that’s enough.”
PQ is a pro-separatist party with a long history, but this is the first time since 1998 the party has been able to take power, albeit with a minority government. PQ won the popular vote by a single percentage point, and won 54 of the available seats in Quebec’s parliament. The Liberal party won 50 seats, new party Coalition Avenir Quebec won 19 seats, and separatists Quebec Solidaire won two. A party needs to hold 63 seats to have a majority.
Tags: PQ, Parti Quebecois, Pauline Marois, Metropolis night club, shooting at Pauline Marois victory rally, shooting at political rally, Quebec, Canada, Province of Quebec, shooting at Pauline Marois rally, shooting at PQ rally, shooting at Parti Quebecois, shooting at francophile political party in Quebec, Quebec separatists, unusual crimes, political shootings, premier of quebec