Oh, how the mighty have fallen. The social gaming company Zynga has kind of hit a skid after their billion-dollar IPO on the stock market. Since then, the iPad has debuted, Facebook has declined in status and usefulness, and Zynga’s social gaming platform hasn’t quite taken off like the company had hoped. Hence, Zynga has lost a lot of status and $8 in stock value down to $2.92 from a high of $14. However, the company has a plan, and that plan is sequels. Zynga has released FarmVille 2, sequel to their breakout hit.
“You are trying to bring an old family farm back into glory,” said Wright Bagwell, FarmVille 2’s director of design.
While FarmVille was a click-fest with a lot of stuff to do and a lot of chores to handle, FarmVille 2 is taking a different tack. The game’s soundtrack is nature sounds, the game is more collaborative than competitive, and the 3D graphics are a big improvement over the other game’s 2D shapes. It focuses on a more relaxing, peaceful game play style focusing on nostalgia. Hence, it’s probably the perfect game to play during a stressful day at work.
Tags: online games, facebook games, farmville, farmville 2, zynga, zynga launches farmville 2, farmville sequel, social games, video games, farmville 2 released by zynga, farmville 2 released, video games, farming games, wright bagwell