When it comes to drunk driving, there’s a constant battle to prevent DUI deaths. Cops are always looking for drunks, hanging out by bars waiting for people to stagger to their cars and setting up checkpoints to otherwise annoy sober drivers. Now, the law may be getting changed to make it easier to give a person a DUI. The legal limit for blood alcohol level may be getting reduced. Under the proposed limits, even one drink before driving may put a person at risk for a DUI, depending on their weight and the strength of the drink.
“Our goal is to get to zero deaths because each alcohol-impaired death is preventable,” said National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) Chairman Deborah Hersman. “Alcohol-impaired deaths are not accidents, they are crimes. They can and should be prevented. The tools exist. What is needed is the will.”
The current legal limits for DUI is 0.08, but the NTSB has proposed changing that to 0.05. That’s one of 20 proposed changes designed to cut down on drinking and driving accidents, but it’s the one that would be the most difficult to get states to implement. After all, they already lowered the legal limit for DUIs down from 1.0, and that took a long time to get states to go along with. It remains to be seen if they’ll have any good luck getting the limit lowered again.
Tags: ntsb, national transportation safety board, dui, driving under the influence, blood alcohol level, bac, national transportation safety board wants to lower legal limit for drunk driving, legal limit for drunk driving to be lowered, drunk driving laws, drunk driving limit to change to 0.05, bac to lower from 0.08 to 0.05, one drink drunk, Deborah Hersman