Anthony M. Malabehar wanted a good meal. He had just gotten out of prison and it was time to celebrate all the delicious things that one can have in life. Malabehar, 48, headed to the Alamo Steak House in Mattoon, Illinois, and just ate his weight in food. Appetizers, steak, lobster tail, and even a Mike’s Hard Lemonade found their way into Malabehar’s belly, to the tune of $70 worth of bills. That’s when the stuffed-belly bandit made his confession: he couldn’t pay for his meal. An unpaid restaurant bill led to a three-year jail sentence for an Illinois man.
“He told her with a smile on his face, ‘I need to tell you a secret — I don’t have any money,'” said Alamo Steak House general manager Alex Schmink.
Apparently, Malabehar has a history of that sort of thing; indeed, he ate his meal, confessed his crime, and waited for the police to come and get him. No car-surfing necessary. He ate at Alamo a day after getting out of jail for a 60-day sentence for this same crime previously. According to authorities, Malabehar has 70 prior arrests (13 convictions), all for theft or burglary.
If you don’t pay your bills, there’ll be trouble. In this case, Malabehar will be spending the foreseeable future in Coles County jail.
Tags: Anthony M. Malabehar, mattoon, illinois, alamo steak house, alex schmink, dine and dash, restaurant bill gets man 3 years in jail, dine and dash lands man jail time, unpaid restaurant bill gets man jail time, unusual crimes, 3 year jail sentence for unpaid restaurant bill, coles county