Two Hank Williams, Sr. and III.
When it comes to channeling dead musicians for bio pics, you have two ways of doing it. You can go for someone who can sing or go for someone who can act the part, because very rarely do you find someone who does both. In the case of the upcoming Hank Williams biography I Saw The Light, the lead actor may be neither, according to one very knowledgeable critic. Hank Williams III says Tom Hiddleston has “no soul” when trying to take on Hank Williams’ iconic country tunes. Check out the video of the Marvel bad-boy Loki singing Hank Williams’ “Move It On Over” at the Wheatland Music Festival last weekend and judge for yourself.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9gohHX140gSaid Hank3 to Fox411, “To do a Hank Williams movie the way it should be done you need certain aspects in the mix to make right. It goes way beyond having [an] American to play the role of Hiram Hank Williams, Sr. For it to be somewhat natural, [it] needs to be [an] American from the South who has eat lived and breathed these kind of roles before to make more respectable movie on Hank Sr.”
So who would III choose to play his grandfather? Well, it’s a great choice, if I do say so. Matthew McConaughey!
“Matthew McConaughey would be a good person for this role is because of he has played many roles as a Southern man. And he is from the South. And that is something no amount of money or acting classes can put into a role. The other reason I thought Matthew would be a good fit for the role is because he has a natural arrogance, aka fire, that is needed for this role. Hank Sr. was very very sure of himself and basically very cocky. And Matthew always brings that fire to the table in every role he [plays].”
Even though McConaughey is 44 versus 29 (the age Hank Williams died), he definitely looks the part of a lean, lonesome, and troubled person. Hiddleston might be suitably arrogant, but he definitely doesn’t have the swagger that McConaughey oozes from every pore in pretty much every performance. The poor singing doesn’t exactly help his case, though hopefully they’ll dub him for the final flick.
Tags: movies, hollywood, biopic, biographical picture, tom hiddleston, hank williams, hank williams III, hank williams biopic, i saw the light, movies, tom hiddleston to play hank williams, fox 411, hank williams 3, hank3, tom hiddleston cannot sing hank williams, viral videos, unusual videos, wheatland music festival, tom hiddleston singing video