He had legions of fans, all of whom no doubt greeted him with “Live long and prosper.” Well, he certainly enjoyed a nice long life. With one of the longest and most interesting careers, including a golden-years renaissance, the one thing you could say about Leonard Nimoy is that he made the most out of the chances he got. Movies, television, a stint in the Army, Nimoy got to do a lot with his time on earth, and he didn’t let his COPD slow him down. Leonard Nimoy has passed away at age 82.
Like most actors who have a big breakout role, Nimoy had a strained relationship with Spock. His two autobiographies were I Am Not Spock and I Am Spock, respectively. However, after many years doing voiceover work, writing poetry, and becoming a fine-art photographer, Nimoy seemed to have made peace with the role that made him famous, even reprising the role of Mr. Spock in JJ Abrams’ Star Trek movies.
“To this day, I sense Vulcan speech patterns, Vulcan social attitudes and even Vulcan patterns of logic and emotional suppression in my behavior,” wrote Nimoy years after his Star Trek fame. “Given the choice, if I had to be someone else, I would be Spock.”
Tags: leonard nimoy, star trek, mr. spock, leonard nimoy dead at 82, leonard nimoy dead, copd, hollywood, science fiction, actors, leonard nimoy has passed away, leonard nimoy dead, obituaries, celebrities, i am spock, i am not spock