Well, it’s official. You can’t have an elephant as a pet in the U.K.
Shucks. The idea of having an elephant about the house is appealing. When someone uses the old cliche about there being an elephant “in the room” you could point over at your pachyderm behind the sofa. Imagine the hilarity, the joy and the money you could make with an elephant as a pet.
You could name your elephant groovy names like Steve or Elvis.
The petition to allow pet shops in the U.K to sell elephants is odd in its own right. It says “We the undersigned petition the prime minister to allow the sale of elephants in pet shops in the UK. We believe that every child in the UK would benefit from owning an elephant.
“We would like to make it legal to import African/Indian elephants to sell in pet shops across the UK. Elephants are creatures that children could learn about better by owning their own and keeping them in easily and cheaply converted sheds.”
It was a no go. The government responded that it did not think that “elephants would make good pets” and ruled against the petition that included more than 650 signatures.
I’m not so sure. If I had an elephant named Steve, I know it would bring me fame and fortune. Of course I would also need a indoor bulldozer and a keen exterminator to keep the mice out so Steve wouldn’t freak out, but still, it’s a swell idea.