No one ever said working out was easy. More often that not, advertisements claiming to help you ‘lose weight’ without changing your lifestyle. Five minutes ago, I actually watched a commercial offering that same ‘magic pill.’ Their argument? “We couldn’t say it on TV if it wasn’t true!” Yeah, right.
No weight loss supplement, fad diet, or plan is going to make you lose weight. Changing your outward appearance means actually biting the bullet with exercise and healthy eating habits. Fitness trainer and motivator Roman Grandy realized this–after his childhood friend literally ate himself to death..and Roman was headed down the same path.
Five years ago, Norfolk, VA, native Roman Grandy lived the unhealthiest of lifestyles–eating packages of Oreo’s, fried pork chops, and soft-drinks (among other things). His poor eating habits and inactivity began as a kid, and it progressed until he was 35-and 415 lbs. He constantly turned down invites to go to the mall because he didn’t want to squeeze in and out of a car, much less try on clothes. He even was turned away from riding on rides at Busch Gardens because of his weight.
Then, after enduring the painful death of an equally overweight childhood friend, Roman decided to drastically change his lifestyle. In 2003, he went to a high school track and began trotting. He stopped eating entire packages of junk food. He kept going back, despite others stares and questions. He shut out every one else that was on the track, and focused only on himself.
And sure enough, his weight began to melt off. He joined a YMCA and the weight came off even faster. “Women were taking a second look. When you’re 400 pounds, no one is taking a second look, except to joke.” He also found that he actually enjoyed running six miles, lifting weights, and eating healthily.
Today, Roman is a certified personal trainer with his own fitness company, Complete Body Concepts. He shows them pictures of himself when he was obese. He plans on having his 62-inch pants framed to put in the studio. Roman uses his painstaking past experiences to motivate other clients–and it works.