Dying happens to everyone. It’s the great unknown and the last great frontier.
The aspect of dying strangely has always been compelling to me.There is something very voyeuristic and compelling to see how people meet their maker. Neatorama has a list of the top 30 strangest deaths ever to be documented. Some are ironic, others are just plain bizarre. Have you ever heard of Austrian Hans Steininger, who had a beard that was four feet long? Well, he was famous for that beard and it ended up killing him when he stepped on it, tripped and broke his neck.
Man, what a way to go.
Other odd deaths include Isadore Duncan, who was killed by a scarf, Jerome Irving Rodale, who was a voracious eater and swore he would live to 100 only to die at the hands of a sugar-infused taxi-driver. He was wrong.
While being interviewed by Dick Cavett, the host asked this lover of food when Rodale was being suspiciously quiet if Cavett was “boring him to death.” Apparently, he did. Rodale was dead from a heart attack and died peacefully in the guest chair as Cavett was rambling on. (Trivia note, the show never aired.)
And what would a huge death list be without Elvis Presley dying on the toilet.
The list is amazingly detailed and one of those beautiful, exquisite Internet time-wasters. Wait, I may just be speaking about myself here.
Carry on.