There are many costs when it comes to war. The financial responsibility of a nation, the loss of loved ones and horrifying knowledge that there is always a price to pay.
And then are there enough of America’s soldiers to fight? It’s a dilemma that is having serious consequences to soldiers, especially wounded ones.
CBS News reports about injured soldiers being redeployed to Iraq. This in the first two graphs of a story from over the weekend.
Seventy-nine injured soldiers were pressed into war duty last month as the U.S.
Army struggled to fill its ranks, but most were assigned to light-duty jobs within limits set by doctors, two Army leaders said.
The Denver Post, quoting internal Army e-mails and a Fort Carson soldier, reported that troops had been deployed to Kuwait en route to Iraq while they were still receiving medical treatment for various conditions.
The story is specific to mention later in the article that no one with mental illness is being sent back and that injured soldiers aren’t being put in “harm’s way” but the information raises more questions than it gives answers. One being if the war continues into yet another year or two or even five, how will this impact the morale of professional soldiers and our nation? And do we as a country have enough young men and women to meet the call of war.
Questions, unfortunately, without solid answers.