In the 1984 movie “Revenge of the Nerds” society was introduced to a sassy group of nerds that fought the system by being just a bit smarter than the jocks that inhabited fictitious Adams College.
Needless to say, nerds and geeks have taken over the world. I guess you could attribute that to Bob Gates. Calling oneself a geek is said more proudly now, 24 years after we were introduced to the nerds who had a hard struggle to fight the fraternities and sororities that were prejudiced against those folks who were just a bit swifter when it came to mental prowess.
For geeks of 2008, there is a new language of binary code, social media, PHP coding and other computer language that has not only sparked trends but is a way of life.
Being a geek is cool.
Royal Pingdom has a list of pictures of graffiti that has been left about the globe that features the language and inscriptions of being a geek. And, as you know, graffiti isn’t vandalism, it’s street art. Some of the photos are extremely funny, but will have no meaning unless you understand the world of IT or the internet.
So, geeks are united in a language all their own and the small scribbled words and pictures that celebrate the life of geekdom. Geeks aren’t the socially inept folks memorialized in “Revenge of the Nerds” but are, indeed, running the world we live in.
And if you want to learn geekspeak you better get cracking so you know what these photos are talking about.
We live in a brave new world, campers.