In the world of living green, there are things that you can do to make the world a better place. Last year, Al Gore even had a global concert called Live Earth and advocated small things you could do to fight climate control (the new word for global warming.)
His suggestions were pretty simple: turn lights off, unplug your cell phone when it’s charged, don’t throw your McDonald’s McGriddle bag out of the car window when your driving down the road and don’t throw your television remote at your television when Dick Cheney is on the screen.
Now we are finding that you can even go further into going green, so much further than even Al Gore might want you to.
Behold how to wipe your hiney with one, yes I said ONE, square of toilet paper.
No seriously, there is a way brought to you from an Airborne Ranger who was a drill instructor.
As this is a family-friendly blog, all I’m going to say is that you have to tear a hole in the middle of your one tiny, itty-bitty square.
I’m rethinking my commitment to live green.
Read the rest at Felonious Ramblings.
It’s … ummm … interesting.