I’ve had some horrible, horrible job interviews. Especially the last one I had, where after the interview, I went into the bathroom and threw up for about 20 minutes, then devolved into a sobbing mess. At least I had the decency to have my serious mental breakdown in private. Sure, it was awful for me, and I have no doubts the interview was uncomfortable for the folks interviewing me, but it wasn’t as bad as these 10 hilarious mistakes made in job interviews.
Some of these are just nervous habits. Mary Katherine Gallagher knows all about, say, sniffing your own armpits. Some of these, like answering the phone during the interview, might have an explanation that would make that rude bit of behavior seem reasonable. Others, like bumming rides or brushing your hair, are just flat-out strange.
The other ones listed are just hilarious, so check out the article and remember to dress well, not bash your old bosses, and don’t lie on your resume. Happy job hunting!