I’m still waiting for that robot like the Jetsons’ Rosie the Maid who can keep my house spotless while I surf the Internet from my couch.
Instead the piles of clutter are still mocking from the coffee table and my laundry basket overflows in an abode that looks like a band of slovenly gypsies took over for about six months.
For decades, science fiction has promised us a world where robots do the dirty work while we live in the lap of luxury. The reality is robotic inventions have come a long way from the early tin cans imagined in the oh-so-distant future. Robots are making their presence known in the work force. Science fiction is becoming science fact.
Where once robots were envisioned as alien looking metal frames and a few blinking lights, now the androids are shaped to mimic the way humans look and act.
Here’s the transition from futuristic dream to functional reality in a video created by Diagonal View.
Robot Evolution – Funny video clips are a click away
Tags: robots, evolution, cyborg, android, science fiction