I see those commercials on television all the time trying to entice me to attend a technical or trade school.
They try to lure me into beginning a new career with a list of occupations scrolling across the screen like the text at the beginning of Star Wars talking about “a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.”
That line also seems to apply to a secretarial school from 1931.
In an era when my 9-year-old nieces and nephews all have cell phones, it’s hard to fathom a school that had a class specifically to teach adult women how to use a telephone.
According to the July 31 issue of Popular Science magazine, the class used the giant dial, at right, to display the functions of the “modern” telephone. The giant phone was functional and hooked to a a speaker system so the students were also given audio clues as to what they would hear in an office setting.
For more information about this giant educational tool, visit Modern Mechanix.
To see a phone that brings together the best of both worlds – enormous size and current cell technology – click here.
Tags: phone, telephone, dial, nostalgia, tech school, trade school