Don’t judge a gun by its size, because these little poppers can still be deadly! Here’s an awesome collection of incredibly tiny guns and really weird vintage weapons. For example, the world’s smallest pistol hails from Switzerland and is no bigger than 2.16 inches. But with a firing range of 112 meters, it’s still not a bullet I’m willing to jump in front of.
One of the funniest miniatures is a working Luger at 2/5 the scale of its normal size counterpart. It looks like a toy! Even though it’s a little bit bigger than the key chain Swiss gun, a pocket full of these little shooters makes up a mini arsenal.
I wonder what kind of recoil the guns give off? Either way, it’s sure better than using a hedgehog for a weapon. So watch your back Lipstick Gun, there’s a new ultra weapon of concealment in town.