Six Masai warriors traveled all the way from Tanzania to take part in the London Marathon earlier this week to raise money in an effort to secure clean drinking water for their village.
This story is intriguing on a number of levels. First of all, the warriors shoes were made from old car tires and they wore traditional Masai Warrior attire as they ran with thousands of other runners. Only four of the six warriors completed the race after one of them feel ill and another accompanied him to the hospital.
The quote of the day though was this from 24-year-old Isaya: “The marathon was easy, there were no lions. Our elders told us we can do the marathon because we have been running all over, killing a lion and herding cattle.”
This is London has details on this week’s race which also included several celebrities and some heart-wrenching stories that occurred during the internationally famous race.
Tags: Masai Warriors, London Marathon, Lions