Every place I’ve ever worked has been covered in signs or posters or some other bright and colorful pieces of paper that are designed to communicate messages to the reader. These messages have run the gamut from “Rent Hollow Man on DVD or VHS this summer, because you haven’t seen Kevin Bacon’s genitals until you’ve seen Kevin Bacon’s invisible genitals in a frightening jiggling close-up!” to “Please don’t eat the electrical wiring” and of course, “Be on the lookout for thieves and bees.” However, while I’ve seen some great signs, I’ve never seen signs as confusing and insane as these.
I know you might be saying to yourself, “Self, a lot of these signs have to be Photoshopped.” I’m sure a few of them are, but I’m also sure most of them aren’t, if only because they’re too dumb and obvious to be fake. Some of them are signs put up for someone’s amusement, like the one above. It serves a purpose, like to identify where you are, but it also makes me crack up laughing, and I think that’s the point.
Tags: signs, unusual, images, road signs, warning signs, engrish, confusing signs, passive aggressive notes