Once again, it’s Mother Nature to the rescue.
You can’t turn on the news on television or click online to a news site without hearing about the housing foreclosure crisis. All across America, houses are empty and abandoned due to money woes.
Many of those homes in warmer states like California, Florida and Arizona have swimming pools in the backyard. The abandoned pools become breeding grounds for mosquitoes which cause physicians and scientists to worry about West Nile Virus.
What’s the answer to eradicating the evil skeeters?
No, it’s not Frankenfish.
It’s the mosquito fish.
Hundreds of the fish are released into the murky, untended waters. The little swimmers scarf up the mosquito larva and help lower the population of the buzzing, blood sucking pests.
I love the food chain in action.
Tags: mosquitoes, housing crisis, foreclosures, nature, swimming pools, weird animals, mosquito fish