Everyone has a mental image of a bachelor pad. You know, lots of electronics but no wall decoration (except for maybe movie posters or centerfolds). Old, battered furniture that’s probably reeking of body odors. Big piles of old pizza boxes and maybe some dishes molding away in the sink. Still, no matter how bad your mental image is, it can’t possibly match up to the dirtiest flat in Britain.
Unsurprisingly, the apartment was rented to a single man. That probably explains why there were £5,000 worth of old hamburger cartons piled everywhere. There were over 1,000 wrappers and boxes in a 15×11 foot area. The best part? It’d only taken the tenant two years to turn the £100,000 apartment into a cigarette-filled dump.
When you go to that kind of effort to save up the trash you need to build your recycled house, why would you move and leave it all behind? I’d say I smell a conspiracy, but after looking at the picture above, all I can smell is old mushrooms and cheeseburger meat. I’m surprised Ol’ Drippy wasn’t living there!
Tags: bachelor pad, filthy homes, Britain’s dirtiest flat, Great Britain, Slough, Chris Dowling, dirty apartment