There are always signs out there that, when you look at them, you just know whoever put the sign up probably wasn’t reading it closely. As someone who wasted five years of college as an English major (plus a year of grad school, so that’s six years of wasted time and money), I see signs with grammatical errors and the like constantly, but sometimes you see some amazingly blatant accidental innuendo, like in these signs from YesButNoButYes.
Like most people, I’ve put my foot in my mouth on more than one occasion. I don’t think I’ve ever made a gaffe as memorable as those above, though. Those are some pretty classic forehead-slapping decisions. You’d think that somewhere along the editing process someone would’ve noticed that, for example, Glory Hole Church Centre wasn’t the best of ideas. Fortunately for us, nobody put two and two together, so we get to giggle like 12-year-olds at some semi-naughty signs that aren’t office appropriate.
Tags: unusual signs, innuendo, accidentally funny, funny signs, sexual innuendo, crazy signs