Everyone and their mother is scared about the supply of gas. Thanks to Hurricane Ike clobbering America’s major gas refining/oil producing area not long after the previous hurricane, Gustav, hit nearly the same area, fuel prices have shot up throughout the country. Where I live, gas went from $3.40 to $4.15 in two days, triggering a government investigation into price gouging. Other gas stations have been running dry, or out, as people rushed to beat the price increase. Les Jones has an interesting look at just what might happen to the gas stations once they’ve pumped their final gallon.
Now, I don’t forsee every gas station going the way of the pictured gas station in Maryville, Tennessee. While the car of tomorrow may well not run off gasoline, odds are it’ll run off something that people will need, from recharged batteries to hydrogen or biofuel. Even if it does run off some magical resource that self-perpetuates, people still have to use the bathroom and buy snacks. Most of the gas stations I know of have branched out into hot food, groceries, and tourist stuff anyway, so they’re hopefully preparing for the eventual oil-reduced future.
Tags: gas prices, abandoned gas station, abandoned buildings, graffiti, interesting graffiti, images, hurricane ike, maryville, tennessee