Inspired by the plight of the polar ice caps, which are entering their thinnest period of the year before the winter refreeze, Greenpeace launched a great new performance art piece to get people paying attention to the environment with their four homeless polar bears. The bears, made by Washington D.C. street artist Mark Jenkins, are designed to raise awareness of the plight of arctic animals by equating the homeless bears with homeless people. Of course, most people just ignore the homeless problem, but the bears are getting a lot more attention because they caused a bomb scare in D.C.’s Columbia Heights area.
Homeless Bear’s cousin Hurricane Bear is pleased. No doubt, Greenpeace is pleased too. Well, they’re pleased with the attention their cause will get, but given how Boston reacted to the Mooninites, they won’t be pleased with the fines they’re going to receive. I guess given the rash of chicken bombs lately, you can’t be too careful.
Tags: greenpeace, homeless polar bears, polar bears, art, washington DC, washington, bomb scare, protest, environmentalism, polar ice caps, mark jenkins, columbia heights