Gennifer Moss, better known to residents of Portland, Oregon as Earth Friend Gen, did something that I would have never believed possible. Gen, a roller-blading naked woman, so offended a group of construction workers that she was not only told to put clothes on, but also arrested. Considering that Portland is infamous for its lax attitude towards basically everything, she wasn’t arrested for her nakedness or her in-line skating ability. She was arrested because onlookers were concerned for her safety.
I guess she wasn’t a great skater. When construction workers, who are notorious for their ogling of women and general sleaziness, are more concerned with your safety than your jiggling nakedness, then maybe you should practice skating before going out. At the very least, you need to wear a helmet and some knee and elbow pads. Nobody wants to see a road rashed rump. Maybe she should’ve tried some orbit skates.
Tags: Gennifer Moss, Earth Friend Gen, Portland, Oregon, nude in-line skater, hippies, naked skater, nude sports