I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. Actually, I’ve been on the wrong side of the bed all week, which is probably why I’ve been grumpier than normal in my posts here. Don’t get me wrong, I’m generally a curmudgeon, but this week has been awful. Good thing it’s National Grouch Day; hopefully nobody will notice I’m extra surly this morning.
Why am I such a grumpalump today? Well, for starters, I had to go into work and didn’t magically win the lottery overnight. When I did my morning stretching I pulled a muscle in my back. I had to squeegee the condensation off my car windows. I almost forgot my lunch. When I went to the coffee pot there was not only no fresh coffee, nobody had even cleaned it out or turned it on today. When I did make the pot, I didn’t pay attention to what type of coffee was in the can, so the pot turned out mediocre at best. Worst of all, magical healthy bacon still hasn’t been invented.
Nobody’s compared me to the world’s ugliest bird yet, so things aren’t as bad as they could get. There’s still the whole rest of the day left to suck the life out of me. So I got that going for me, which is nice.
Tags: national grouch day, holidays, unusual holidays, muppets, oscar the grouch, sesame street