In one of the most blistering and goosebump-raising essays I’ve ever read, the acclaimed science fiction writer Orson Scott Card pens an absolutely devastating indictment of the modern press. Specifically, Card raises issues around the political biases of the mainstream news media. He states unequivocally that the journalists of the United States are deliberately ignoring or burying any news that would be remotely dangerous to the Presidential campaign of Barack Obama (thus being indirectly positive towards John McCain). If you care remotely about the country or the state of the media, you’ll go here and read this right now.
For years, Republicans and Democrats have traded barbs. Republicans believe that the media has a liberal bias. Democrats like Hillary Clinton have famously railed against the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy. For those looking for bias in this article, it is noted that Card is an identified Democrat and also a member of the news media, though as you can see he’s a contrarian at heart if you study his political writings over the years. Of course, if the media is as biased as he claims (and it probably is, let’s all be honest), no one will pay any attention to the article except for people like us who cruise the Internet for our news.
From the article:
If you had any personal honor, each reporter and editor would be insisting on telling the truth — even if it hurts the election chances of your favorite candidate.
Because that’s what honorable people do. Honest people tell the truth even when they don’t like the probable consequences. That’s what honesty means. That’s how trust is earned.
It’s staggering. Are things as bad as Card suggests? I definitely hope not. If so, it’s a scary proposition that supposedly independent media figures are twisting their coverage for ANY reason for ANY issue, rather than being completely and fearlessly independent and taking on all comers and all established RP spin doctors. To consider the opposite fills me with paralyzing fear. I seriously hope that Card is just tilting at windmills on this issue. The fact that he even brings it up suggests it is something to be looked at.
The theories he puts forth are scarier than any science fiction novel could ever be.
Tags: orson scott card, rhinoceros times, politics, election 2008, barack obama, john mccain, would the last honest reporter please turn on the lights, articles, news