I wasn’t a cat fan until I actually got one, now I can’t get enough of the crazy little critters. Actually, that’s not entirely true, the one I have is more than enough cat for me to deal with, but I love seeing people’s cute videos of cats. Take, for example, Slinky Cat. Isn’t that a great Slinky impression?
Cats do some crazy, awesome things. Like skulk around like ninjas and attack helpless printers. Unfortunately, my cat Toonces doesn’t do anything that funny while I have a video camera around, so I can’t get some Internet fame. Well, that’s not true. I do have a video of her driving the car. Check it out.
Special thanks to my friend, the ghost of Phil Hartman, for narrating the clip for me.
Tags: cats, slinky, lolcats, videos, funny cats, cat videos, animals, pets, cute, slinky cat, toonces the driving cat