I had a vehicular incident this morning. Pulling into the parking lot at work this morning, I had misjudged the distances and thanks to someone parking crookedly and slightly into my parking space, I scraped another person’s car. Insurance was informed and it’s all going to work out with only a moderate amount of physical torture from my insurance company to me (it was just a dent and a scrape, after all), but it is just another addition to my long list of car problems. At least I’m a bit better off than Batman, whose Batmobile recently got a parking ticket in downtown London.
The Batmobile was parked in front of the GMTV studio when it was ticketed by the local parking authority. Even Batman can’t get away with illegal parking. While the whole thing might be a publicity stunt, having dealt with the authorities before on matters of parking, it’s probably legitimate. Most people wouldn’t do this kind of thing as a simple prank or publicity stunt.
Awfully brave officer there to ticket a car bristling with weapons! It’s probably a good idea they didn’t try to tow it away.
Tags: image gallery, images, funny images, batmobile, batmobile gets a ticket, den of geek, london, united kingdom, gmtv