The media presents an unrealistic standard of beauty, for both men and women, in the pages of magazines. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but models and actors and actresses don’t really look that good in real life. Unfortunately, photographer Greg Kessler’s photograph series of models before and after makeup, Model morphosis, proves that even without makeup, they still look better than most normal people. Some of them, disgustingly, look better sans makeup, like Miss Cellania says.
I think the thing that most impresses me is not that the models look kind of like normal people when they’re not all caked in makeup. I expected that. What impresses me is that the models, who make their living being ethereal visions, were willing to be photographed without their makeup even for the sake of art. That kind of exposure, revealing crows feet and under-eye puffiness, kind of shatters the illusion of glamour that a model is paid to cultivate.
I guess that’s the point. Most people hide behind a façade; only the truly brave (or crazy) are able to reveal their true face to the public. Models are people, just like you and me.
Tags: models without makeup, celebrities without makeup, model-morphosis, greg kessler, unusual images, no makeup