Europe’s largest solar power plant is in development as we speak. The money is together to pay developers Solarwold AG, the site has been chosen, and is scheduled to be pumping out power by 2014. What nation is playing home to this massive installation? It’s not France or England, two nations with plenty of sunshine. It’s a tiny little city state in the heart of Italy called Vatican City. Because when I think of forward progress and an embrace of the future, I think of the Vatican.
Apparently Pope Benedict is quite the environmentally conscious Pope. The roof of the 6,300-seat Paul IV Auditorium is already covered by thousands of solar panels, saving hundreds of pounds of carbon dioxide every year. This summer, the Vatican’s staff cafeteria is going to go green too, as a solar heating system is going to be installed. Vatican engineers are even looking into converting the horse stables at the Pope’s summer home into a methane powered bio-fuel plant.
Paul Newman would be proud, but what’s next? Recycled vestments? Will we be able to camp out in the Pope’s backyard? Will some of the Holy See become a Holy hotel?
Image: Inhabitant
Tags: environmentalism, green energy, biofuels, solar power, the Vatican, Pope Benedict, Vatican City, Europe’s largest solar power plant, Vatican City power plant, Solarworld AG, SMA Solar Technology AG