The big news topic this weekend was the outbreak of swine flu, which has hit Mexico hard already and via Mexico, has spread to the United States. Experts are troubled by this flu outbreak and how quickly it has spread from person to person, so in the spirit of public health, CNN has a FAQ on the deadly new flu outbreak. It hasn’t spread in big numbers to the US or Canada yet, but I’d advise travelers to reschedule that trip to Mexico City if at all possible (or at least pick up some urban survival gear if you do go).
I actually missed the big news on it this weekend and only heard about it this morning when a friend confessed to being petrified of a giant disease pandemic. Of course, I made some references to Randall Flagg and The Stand, but secretly? I’m a bit worried, too.
I checked Google Flu Tracker this morning to discover that we’ve had a relatively mild flu season so far. I guess that’s because Captain Trips has been incubating in some secret Mexican germ warfare lab. If you get sick, just stay home. Your coworkers will thank you for not spreading your diseases to them, and it’s not like you’d get much work done in between mugs of TheraFlu.
Tags: flu, swine flu, pandemic, flu outbreak, diseases, health, pandemics, swine flu facts, captain trips, the stand