We’ve all been in a working environment where our boss was just terrible. I mean, outright miserable to work for. They were moody, demanding, unreasonable, incompetent, and every other bad thing in the book. If you think your boss is bad, try serving under Captain James T. Kirk of the USS Enterprise, or any of the bad boss figures in the Star Trek universe. Just because he was a hero of the Federation doesn’t mean he was fun to deal with. Kirk is a classic bully boss; who represents the other six types of bad boss in the Trek Universe?
I’ve had pretty much all these boss archetypes in my work career, except the hot tub boss (he’s usually too busy picking up alien women to be around to be the boss). When you work at large chains, you get a lot of boss overhead, a lot of different people who call themselves your boss, or all of the above. It’s not hard to run into all of these types at a single big box grocery store, usually all on the same shift! I learned how to read them and deal with them pretty early on, but if you need some help, the article above has some great survival tips.
Tags: star trek, bad bosses, bosses of star trek, seven bad bosses, types of bad leaders, how to deal with a bad boss, surviving a bad boss