Commercial fisherman Rodney Salomon-Prudo from Madeira Beach, Florida, had a pretty good fishing trip last week. In his 14 days at sea, he brought in over 5000 pounds of grouper. Oh yeah, he also caught a surface-to-air missile. Actually, he caught two, but he only brought one back with him. The one he brought back was heavily corroded, and despite banging around on the roof of his boat for 10 days, did not explode. He’s incredibly lucky!
Salomon-Prudo’s catch came in the Gulf of Mexico, and while you might think running into missiles is a pretty unlikely incident, to hear Salomon-Prudo tell it, the event is commonplace. Eglin Air Force Base has been testing missiles since WWII, and in Salomon-Prudo’s own words, “I hear them exploding over my head all the time.”
I guess that’s why he wasn’t so afraid to drag what he believed to be a dud missile on board his ship as a souvenir. He’s lucky the thing didn’t blow him to bits! Commercial fishing is dangerous enough without the added risk of exploding!
Tags: fisherman catches missile, Gulf of Mexico, fishing for explosives, Rodney Salomon-Prudo, Florida, Madeira Beach, Eglin Air Force Base, unusual fishing stories