One of my favorite episodes of The Simpsons involved Homer and Ned Flanders becoming friends. The two neighbors/enemies (well, Homer hates Ned, not the other way around) bonded by going to a baseball game. While there, Flanders bought Homer food and drinks, caught him a ball, and basically bent over backwards to be polite and nice to Homer. Homer, being an insensitive jerk, lapped it all up but wasn’t happy until he got his nacho hat. And guess what? Someone has finally made a nacho hat!
You know, I could never afford a Simpsons iPod Touch, but baking my own nacho hat? That I could probably pull off. Maybe. If I had help. I think creators Cota Froise was very wise to avoid going with the scalding hot cheese dip in the center/bowl of her nacho hat. Salsa is not only tastier; it’s also a lot less painful if it leaks onto the top of your head.
Tags: Cota Froise, nacho hat, edible hat, edible clothing, funny hats, The Simpsons, unusual foods, snacks