We’ve covered a lot of unusual medical issues here at PopFi, but I’ve never seen anything quite as unusual as the case of Brooke Greenberg. Brooke is a 16-year-old girl, but she’s not your typical 16-year-old girl. She’s only 30 inches long, weighs about 16 pounds, and has the mind of a toddler. Quite simply, Brooke Greenberg does not age.
Her story of survival is remarkable. During her first six years of life, the girl endured multiple medical hardships and unexplained conditions that puzzled doctors, yet she survived all of them and has continued to prosper. Despite being a toddler in terms of size and development, Brooke is otherwise perfectly normal and in good physical health. Brooke’s three sisters, ages 22, 19, and 13, are all completely normal children, yet Brooke’s body did not even respond to treatments with human growth hormone. It’s as if she’s immune to aging of any sort.
Doctors believe that within Brooke’s DNA lies a mutation that has prevented her from developing normally. She’s a puzzling miracle, this young woman. Who knows what secrets she contains within the coiled strands of her DNA?
Tags: Brooke Greenberg, 16-year-old baby, girl who does not age, unusual medical conditions, medical problems, health