I love a good photograph, and I’m infinitely jealous of people who can take good pictures. Even more so, I’m jealous of people who know how to use Photoshop and other image editing software to manipulate photos, because I have a ton of awesome ideas and no real way to make them happen. That’s why I love things like WebUrbanist’s gallery of Photoshop art. Some of these images are just spectacular!
However, one problem with Photoshop is that nowadays it gets used too much. It’s no longer just a tool, it’s a crutch. Everyone thinks they can save any picture with enough Photoshop work, and the sweetening of photos can get someone in a lot of trouble. Especially if that someone is a photojournalist who tries to make his photos more inflammatory via digital trickery. For some reason, people get mad when the news media lies to them.
I say bring back legitimate photography, and legitimate photographers! Life never needed Photoshop to catch an incredible image! Try staging a creepy photo the old-fashioned way!
Tags: unusual images, image gallery, Photoshop, art, geek art, photographs, unusual edits, surreal pictures