One of the longest-running conventions of science fiction, even before the genre was codified as the genre we know and love, is alternate reality. What if the South had won the Civil War? What if the Nazis had won World War II? The newest of these ideas, brought to life in vivid Photoshopped images, is what if Star Wars was real? The 20th Century definitely would’ve been a lot different with access to the technology from a galaxy far, far away.
Of all the technology available in Star Wars, I think the tech I most want is my own astromech droid, like R2D2. Not only are they incredibly cuddly (for robots) with lots of personality, they can also drive you to where you need to go, perform minor repairs on vehicles, and can (probably) access the Internet from anywhere via holo-projector and his computer interface arm! Plus if there are astromechs, you know other robots aren’t too far behind (especially since we have medical robots now).
Image: Imperial Victory
Tags: unusual, images, sci-fi, photoshop, edited pictures, if star wars was real, star wars, science fiction, alternate reality