You know, awhile back, I saw a lot of news reports on a woman who was pregnant with 8 children. I figured that the media frenzy would die down. Boy, did I drop the ball on the Octomom. She could’ve been like the pregnant man or the tree man of Java, except more pregnant and less warty. But I thought she’d go away, so when I saw reports of a Tunisian woman who is pregnant with 12 children, I knew I had to blog about her just in case she becomes the African Octomom, except nobody knows this woman’s name yet (her husband is called Marwan).
Well, I guess she’d be a Dodecamom, technically. She’d also deliver the world’s largest litter of children if all of them survive. Odds are, some of them (or most of them, or all of them) won’t. Which, in a way, that’s very sad.
I can understand the desire to have a child so badly that you resort to fertility treatments, and I can understand being opposed to terminating pregnancies, but in this kind of situation? You’re kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place, if only because you want some of the children to survive and be healthy, and the mother to not die in the process of trying to deliver a litter of children.
Tags: Tunisia, woman pregnant with 12 babies, unusual health news, odd pregnancies, Marwan, Gafsa, fertility drugs