Apparently this is the time of year in which all manner of cryptids come out to play. First Nessie was caught by Google Maps, then someone poisoned a chupacabra in Texas, a few days ago a Bigfoot was spotted in Kentucky, and now there’s an odd-looking unidentified flying object (UFO) that has been spotted in Argentina. It could be a flying saucer or an ancient dinosaur. The three images released are inconclusive, but look for yourself.
It doesn’t look like any flying saucer I’ve ever seen. Nor does it look like a pterosaur. In some positions, it looks like an angel, and in others it kind of looks like a flying mosquito. In all positions, it looks like a hoax.
Not to be Mr. Dream Crusher, but why does it not look like it has any movement at all? There’s no blurring on the image that would suggest an animal in flight, and when it is supposedly flying it has absolutely no movement. It looks stiff, like it’s hovering. That would be okay if it was a saucer, but it’s shaped more like an animal, and animals can’t helicopter. Normally I like to hold my opinion until all the pictures are released, but this one is totally fake.
Tags: UFO, pterodactyl, Argentina, El-Nihuil, San Rafael, unidentified flying object, cryptids, ufo picture, ufo sighting