Remember the scene in North By Northwest where Cary Grant is being chased by a guy in a crop duster? It was ranked as one of the top movie moments ever, and always places highly in any scary movie scene list because there’s something intensely frightening about someone who can drop out of the sky and get you at any moment, and nothing can really stop him. Well, a woman in Concord, California knows how Cary felt because she, too, had someone who stalked her via aircraft. Talk about flying the unfriendly skies!
Given that the alleged stalker’s name is Tom Huey, the fact that he was using a Beech is kind of funny. I mean, instead of using a small plane, shouldn’t he have gotten a Bell Huey helicopter instead? That way, instead of having to make several passes over the neighborhood, he could just hover over her house at all times. It’d probably make stalking a lot easier.
Tags: airplane stalker, Beech, Concord, California, Tom Huey, unusual crimes, stalkers