Not one, but two Scouts, a 6-year-old Cub Scout first grader named Zachary Christie and a 17-year-old Eagle Scout and Army enlistee named Matthew Whalen, have been suspended from school in recent days. Matthew got a 20 day suspension, and Zachary got a shocking 45 day suspension.
For Zachary, the crime was enthusiasm. He was so excited about becoming a Cub Scout, he brought his camping multi-utinsel to school. Apparently, a butter knife can be used as a weapon in the Christina School District. Toothpicks are more dangerous! School officials are going to send an otherwise innocent young kid to REFORM SCHOOL because he wanted to eat with his own fork.
As for Matthew, his crime was being prepared. Locked safely in his car, alongside a MRE, a blanket, and other emergency supplies, was a 2-inch pocketknife. For having a blade too small to be a knife under the law locked in his car, he was suspended by the Lansingburgh school district and might not be able to follow his dream of attending West Point. They’re going to destroy the dream of an honor student who saved a woman’s life last summer because he wanted to make sure he’d be okay if his car broke down.
I guess they should consider themselves lucky they’re not going to prison for the crime of going to schools run by idiots. Apparently zero tolerance also means zero common sense and zero intelligence. Infuriating.
Updated, 10/13/2009: Zachary’s parents have a website, Help Zachary, where interested parties can write school board members, sent messages of support to Zachary and his family, and learn more about the district code of conduct.
Tags: Zachary Christie, Cub Scout suspended for utensils, Newark, Delaware, Christina School District, Lansingburgh Senior High School, Matthew Whalen, Eagle Scout suspended for emergency supplies in car, Lansingburgh, New York, zero tolerance gone wrong,, Help Zachary website