Meet the latest in technology. This high-tech human imitator is the next step in robotic technology, a machine that simulates sickness. Rather than doing something people want to do, like work, fight crime and eat, this bot replaces something nobody wants to do. In this case, we’ve got a flubot on our hands. He sweats, cries, groans and moans, runs a fever, and if medical personnel don’t treat him properly, he’ll even die.
The best thing about using a simulator to train medical personnel on how to treat swine flu is that you don’t have to put patients at risk of dying because of untrained physicians and you don’t put doctors at risk of dying because they’re exposed to wave after wave of swine flu patient sniffling and sneezing their disease all over. And when the robots have their uprising, these ones will be easy to kill. You just have to not give them medical care and they croak! It’s a win-win!
Tags: flubot, flu robot, H1N1 flu, swine flu simulator, RISCON, robots, medical technology, pandemics, preparation